万万没想到,在 2013 年下半年,与 ex 分手了。当时对爱情,对生活起了极大的疑惑,还有非常的不甘心。我问自己:“为什么会这样?!”
万万没想到,在 2013 年下半年,与 ex 分手了。当时对爱情,对生活起了极大的疑惑,还有非常的不甘心。我问自己:“为什么会这样?!”

Astrology House

Refund, Cancellation & Replacement
Upon the receipt of your deposit payment by Vincent Lu Consulting (M) Sdn. Bhd., it is confirmed that you have registered the course officially and shall participate in the course. And the course fee amount is locked and shall remain unchanged for the period of 6 months. The deposit is strictly not refundable.
The balance of course fee, ie. course fee less deposit, is to be paid not less than 10 days before the commencement of course, either via bank transfer or payment gateway as published.
In case of absence with proving the absence is no fault of yours and you have not utilized any of the bonuses (if any) that came with course, you are entitled to have the replacement within 6 months from the original course date. The course fee shall not be altered as conformed to Item 1 above.
Refund of course fee is only eligible if it is initiated not less than 60 days before the commencement of course. The amount of refund is exclusive of the deposit.
No refund request shall be entertained after the commencement of the course.
Upon the receipt of your consultation fee payment by Vincent Lu Consulting (M) Sdn. Bhd., it is confirmed that you shall participate in the astrology consultation. Consultation fee is strictly not refundable, hence no refund request shall be entertained.
However, the consultation appointment can be postponed to later date and time subject to the availability of Vincent Lu Consulting, Vincent Lu and its Affiliates.
The postponed appointment date shall be within 1 months from the original appointment date. No postponement request to further date (beyond the 1 month duration) shall be entertained.
The above shall serve as main rules for Refund, Cancellation and Replacement and shall be deemed addition to the promotions offered in the course and consultation copywrite, marketing brochure and/or social media advertisement. And the above shall take precedence over the promotions offered if there is any dispute arise.
By registering in the course or consultation, you agree to us the above policy of Refund, Cancellation and Replacement.
Questions and comments regarding this Refund, Cancellation and Replacement policy are welcomed and should be addressed to vincentluconsulting@gmail.com.
Pertaining to privacy concern, you may review our Privacy Policy (please click below).